六四前後(上冊):對八九民運前後的政治分析 (作者:丁望)

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This book contains ten articles related to the June 4th incident, published in China "Trend Monthly" and Hong Kong "Ming Pao Monthly" from 1973 to 1990. This book is divided into three parts: the first part is "Historical Scan", which is included in the paper "Paternalism and the Life-and-Death Power Struggle", discusses the political struggle in Beijing, and demonstrates that the CCP does not have an intra-party democratic track; the second part is "The 1986 Student Movement" "Four articles analyze the political ecology and political struggles before and after the 1986 student uprising; the third part, "1989 Democracy Movement", contains five articles analyzing the "Human Rights Signature Incident" in 1989 and the second Tiananmen Incident.