借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 捍衛自由:和平示威簡史 (作者: 夏博義) Raising Freedom’s Banner: How Peaceful Demonstrations Have Changed the World by Paul Harris
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 香港社會科學學報 第五十期 2017年 秋/冬季 Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences No.50 Autumn/Winter 2017 Issue
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 香港居民的國籍和居留權: 1997年前後的延續與轉變 Nationality and Right of Abode of Hong Kong Residents: Continuity and Change Before and After 1997 (作者: 吳志森, 李正儀, 曲阿陽)
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 妖風 - 全球民主危機與反擊之道:當俄羅斯正面進攻、中國陰謀滲透、美國自毀長城,我們該如何重振民主自由的未來? (作者 : 戴雅門)Ill Winds: Saving Democracy from Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency by Larry Diamond
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 過渡期的香港:政治、經濟、社會 (作者: 基督徒香港守望社 Christian Sentinels For Hong Kong))