四環九約:博物館藏歷史圖片精選 (修訂本) City of Victoria: A Selection of the Museum's Historical Photographs (Revised Edition) (作者:丁新豹 Joseph S.P. Ting, 黃廼錕 Wong Nai-kwan)

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副題 Subtitle:
博物館藏歷史圖片精選 A Selection of the Museum's Historical Photographs
出版社 Publisher:
香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History
作者 Author:
丁新豹 Joseph S.P. Ting, 黃廼錕 Wong Nai-kwan
版次 Edition:
修訂版 Second Edition
出版年份 Publication year:
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頁數 Pages:
語言 Language:
中文及英文 Chinese and English
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匿名 Anonymous
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一個月 One month
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This book is a photo album, edited and published by the Hong Kong Museum of History, showing the development of Hong Kong Island since it was occupied by the British in 1841. With selected historical photographs from the Museum's collection, it introduces the growth of the Western District, Sheung Wan, Central, Wanchai, Causeway Bay and the Mid-levels prior to the Second World War, providing a rich source for research in the early history of colonial Hong Kong.