皇天后土 (攝影:謝至德) Heaven King and Earth Queen by Ducky Tse Chi Tak

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副題 Subtitle:
至德皇后碼頭攝影集 Ducky Chi Tak photos of Queen's Pier
出版社 Publisher:
Hulu Concept Limited
攝影 Photographer:
謝至德 Ducky Tse Chi Tak
編輯 Editor:
約翰•百德 John Batten 廖偉棠 Ducky Tse Chi Tak
版次 Edition:
第一版 1st edition
出版年份 Publication year:
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語言 Language:
中文及英文 Chinese and English
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皇后碼頭,天星碼頭,一個個香港人的回憶,在推土機的巨輪下,掀起了香港本土保育運動的序幕…… 資深攝影師謝至德,走入現場,透過鏡頭紀錄了皇后碼頭的日與夜、建築、空間和保育人士在皇后的喜與怒,將這個歷史時刻保存下來。

Queen's Pier is a symbolic icon in the history of Hong Kong, and is one of the collective memories of Hongkongers. Its demolition in 2007 set off the Hong Kong's local conservation movement. Through his lens, photographer Ducky Tse Chi Tak walked into the scene, recorded the day and night of Queen's Pier, its conservationists, and preserved the historic moment before its demolition.