As early as 1978, during his first year as a middle school teacher, Zunzi (Wong Kei-kwan) worked part-time as a cartoonist for the fortnightly magazine "The People". In 1983, he began to draw current affairs and political cartoons for Hong Kong "Ming Pao" under the pen names "Zunzi" and "Jiwen". Zunzi has been tirelessly creating political satirical cartoons on current affairs for many years. His works were mostly published in "Ming Pao", "Apple Daily" and "Next Weekly", until he stopped writing in 2023 due to political censorship. After the 1989 pro-democracy movement, Zunzi used many works to satirize then-Premier Li Peng of the State Council of China. In 1989, he published this cartoon collection known as "Dark Materials" to commemorate the Tiananmen Massacre.