九龍皇帝 (作者: 鍾燕齊 陶傑) The art of Treason by Joel Chung and Chip Tsao

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出版社 Publisher:
Cup Magazine Publishing Limited
作者 Author:
鍾燕齊 Joel Chung (中文, Chinese text), 陶傑 Chip Tsao (英文, English text)
版次 Edition:
第二版 2nd Edition
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中文及英文 Chinese and English
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Tsang Tsou Choi, the "Kowloon Emperor", has worked tirelessly for many years on his original calligraphy, from which he has given vivid personality to the streets, electric boxes, and underpasses in Hong Kong, breaking the original lifelessness. His graffiti has been selected by foreign tourists as "One of the 25 Reasons to Fall in Love with Hong Kong". The author of this book, Joel Chung, has friendship with Tsang Tsou Choi for 16 years, and has carefully preserved a large number of works by the old man. The book tells the story of Tsang Tsou Choi and his family, giving readers a glimpse into his life. Chip Tsao, the English author of this book, also described this peculiar artist from another angle in English: He ignored reality and only followed his own inner feelings. This is the spirit of art and the quality that this city lacks most. However, the speed of reconstruction in today's Hong Kong is getting faster and faster, and the city has long become cold and indifferent. This book is a tribute to this old man, and it is hoped that readers can use it to remember the open-mindedness, diversity and splendor that Hong Kong once had.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Hong Kong's No 1 Ecentric
Chapter 2 - Products of Sanity
Chapter 1 - Bizarre Surprise
Chapter 1 - Call me His Majesty
Chapter 1 - The Crown Territory
Chapter 1 - Home, Sweet Home

作者鍾燕齊談「九龍皇帝」 (外部連結)