借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 天安門事件後中共與美國外交內幕 (作者:陳有為)The Inside Stories of The Diplomacy between Communist China and America
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added A History of the Municipal Councils of Hong Kong 1883 - 1999 by Y. W. Lau (作者:劉潤和 )
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added The End of Hong Kong: The Secret Diplomacy of Imperial Retreat by Robert Cottrell
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added Defying the Dragon: Hong Kong and the World's Largest Dictatorship by Stephen Vines
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added The Fall of Hong Kong: China's Triumph and Britain's Betrayal by Mark Roberti
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 香港在英治時期的海防歷史:鯉魚門的防禦工事 (作者:白德) Notes on the History of Hong Kong's Coastal Defences during the British Administration, with Special Reference to Lei Yue Mun by Solomon Matthew Bard