八九中國民運報章廣告專輯 Newspaper Advertisements on the Democratic Movements of China '89

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香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(支聯會)中國民主運動資料中心 China Democratic Movements Information Centre of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
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中文及英文 Chinese and English
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匿名 Anonymous
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This "Advertising Album" is the complete record of advertisements related to China's pro-democracy movement published in 13 Hong Kong newspapers from April to October 1989. This album contains a total of 1,616 advertisements, some of which were published in "Ming Pao", "Wen Wei Po" and "Express News". The dates for advertising on the pro-democracy movement are concentrated between 23 and 27 May and 6, 7, and 8 June. The largest number was on 7 June, when a total of 257 different units published pro-democracy advertisements. These advertisements have left a lasting impression on the enthusiasm of Hong Kong citizens, and they also indirectly bear witness to the democratic movement in 1989.