八九中國民運報章頭版專輯 Newspaper Front Pages on the Democratic Movement of China '89

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香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(支聯會)中國民主運動資料中心 China Democratic Movements Information Centre of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
版次 Edition:
再版 Revised Edition
出版年份 Publication year:
頁數 Pages:
語言 Language:
中文及英文 Chinese and English
書籍分享者 Book Sharer:
匿名 Anonymous
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這本「報章頭版」將「六四屠城」事件時期的八份香港公認爲屬於中間、左傾、右傾的代表性報章:《文匯報》、《大公報》、《快報》、《東方日報》、《明報》、《香港時報》、《South China Morning Post(南華早報)》及《The Hong Kong Standard (英文虎報)》,以及中國的中央媒體《人民日報》的頭版縮影成一本册子。期間為1989年5月14日至6月14日的每一天,以及個別和「六四屠城」事件有關的日期:1989年4月16曰至20日,22日至28日,5月1日、3日至5日、5月10日、6月17至19日、6月22日及23日、6月25日及6月29日。編者希望後世的公眾憑本書了解中華民族的血和淚、黑暗與曙光。

This "newspaper front page" identifies and covers eight representative of the center, left-leaning, and right-leaning newspapers during the "June 4th Massacre", namely "Wen Wei Po", "Ta Kung Pao", "Express News", "Oriental Daily", "Ming Pao", "Hong Kong Times", "South China Morning Post" and "The Hong Kong Standard", as well as the China's central government media, "People's Daily". Their frontpages are condensed into this booklet. The period covers 14th May to 14th June 1989, and several individual dates related to the "June Fourth Massacre" incident: 16th to 20th, 22th to 28th of April, 1st, 3rd to 5th, 10th of May, 17th to 19th, 22nd and 23rd, 25th and 29th of June in 1989. It is hoped that future generations will understand the blood and tears, darkness and dawn of the Chinese nation through this book.