香港在英治時期的海防歷史:鯉魚門的防禦工事 (作者:白德) Notes on the History of Hong Kong's Coastal Defences during the British Administration, with Special Reference to Lei Yue Mun by Solomon Matthew Bard

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出版社 Publisher:
香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence
作者 Author:
白德 Solomon Matthew Bard
編輯 Editor:
蕭麗娟 Susanna L K Siu, 邱小金 Rosa S K Yau, 張雅茵 Rebecca N Y Cheung, 謝德燊 Samuel T S Tse, 招成昌 David S C Chiu, 黃廼錕 N K Wong, 朱加樟 Mike K C Chu
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中文及英文 Chinese and English
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The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence (HKMCD) is formerly known as the Lei Yue Mun (LYM) Fort, which was the most formidable fortifications in the territory built more than a century ago. It was also an important battlefield during the Battle for Hong Kong in 1941. Today it has been revitalized as a Museum to preserve and present the 600-year history of Hong Kong's coastal defences.

In the early 1990s, Dr Bard visited various military establishments, museums and coastal fortifications in Britain, and conducted a comprehensive study of the old LYM Fort as part of the preparations for the planning of the HKMCD.This publication includes his original Notes on the information of the old LYM Fort and research papers on local coastal defences. It covers the period from 1841 to 1986 within which the subject is further sub-divided into events related to the garrison, the coastal defences, and LYM, which give the readers a deeper understanding of the history of local coastal defences during the British Administration.