Umbrella Uprising: A Visual Documentation of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests

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出版社 Publisher:
Bacdrop Studio Limited
編輯 Editor:
Jeffrey Choy
翻譯 Translator:
Jamie Pang
出版年份 Publication year:
國際書號 ISBN:
頁數 Pages:
語言 Language:
英文 English
書藉分享者 Book Sharer:
匿名 Anonymous
中文版本 Chinese Edition:
借書期 Book Borrowing Period:
一個月 One month
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Art has long been regarded as a cultural form within social movements to confront injustice and reshape society. The 2019 Hong Kong social movement has witnessed a proliferation of creative energies during the protests for people to express their social and political concerns.

This publication is an archival project of collecting over 500 artworks related to the social movement in Hong Kong, disclosing the stories of Hong Kong protesters and their emotional struggles behind the news and mass media.

"Umbrella Uprising: A Visual Documentation of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests" is aimed at international readers who are interested in the development of the Hong Kong social movement and its creativity.

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