1947年日本佔領香港後,七歲的馬克·艾薩克-威廉斯(Mark Isaac-Williams)回到香港,整個九龍都是他的遊樂場。他和家人住在曾經宏偉但現已破敗的半島酒店,他的生活充滿了冒險——從屋頂到地下室,他對酒店的每一寸都瞭如指掌。在九龍的街道上溜冰、騎馬以及在飯店的噴泉裡划船是戰爭結束後孩子們的夢想。從黃包車、鞭炮、纏足婦女,到始終存在的老鼠問題和臭豆腐小販,Mark 引人入勝且插圖豐富的故事生動地展現了 20 世紀 40 年代和 50 年代香港的神秘面紗。
Scenes and stories from a childhood in Kowloon.
Returning to Hong Kong in 1947 after the Japanese occupation, seven-year-old Mark Isaac-Williams had the whole of Kowloon as his playground. Billeted with his family in the once-grand but now dilapidated Peninsula Hotel, his life was replete with adventure - from the rooftop to the basement, he knew the hotel's every inch. Roller-skating and horseback riding in Kowloon's streets and paddling in the hotel's fountain were a child's dream after the privations of war. From rickshaws to firecrackers and ladies with bound feet to the ever-present rat problem and smelly beancurd vendors, the mystique of Hong Kong in the 1940s and 50s is brought to life by Mark's captivating and richly illustrated story.
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