天安門事件後中共與美國外交內幕 (作者:陳有為)The Inside Stories of The Diplomacy between Communist China and America

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作者 Author:
陳有為 Chen Youwei
版次 Edition:
第一版 1st edition
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中文 Chinese
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The author, Chen Youwei, is a senior international diplomacy critic. He has published more than one million words of international commentary in mainland China, published two monographs "Jisinji Commentary" and "Customs, Humanities, and World Affairs". He once served as a senior diplomat in the United States. For many years, he has been invited to give lectures at famous universities in the United States, Taiwan and Singapore.

After the Tiananmen Incident, the author of this book served as mainland China's senior diplomat in the United States before and after the Tiananmen Incident. Ten years later, as an eyewitness and witness, the author, through personal memories and in-depth discussions, showed the aftermath of the sharp deterioration of Sino-US relations. Lots of little-known insider facts. Among them, the most fascinating ones include Deng Xiaoping and the leaders of Zhongnanhai’s foreign policy decisions towards the United States, their internal views and countermeasures on the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and the Persian Gulf War, as well as the inside story of the high-level diplomacy between China and the United States. This book is the first diplomatic memoir written by mainland Chinese with independent opinions. It is an important book for understanding the CCP's foreign policy-making.