借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added First Confession - A Sort of Memoir by Christopher Francis Patten (作者: 彭定康))
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added Not Quite the Diplomat: Home Truths about World Affairs by Christopher Patten (作者:彭定康)
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 末代港督的告解 (作者: 彭定康) First Confession: A Sort of Memoir by Christopher Francis Patten
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 東方與西方:彭定康治港經驗 East and West: he Last Governor of Hong Kong on Power, Freedom and the Future (作者: 彭定康 Christopher Patten)
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 香港日記 (作者: 彭定康) The Hong Kong Diaries by Christopher Patten