借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added First Confession - A Sort of Memoir by Christopher Francis Patten (作者: 彭定康))
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added The Troublemaker - How Jimmy Lai Became a Billionaire, Hong Kong's Greatest Dissident, and China's Most Feared Critic by Mark L. Clifford
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added The Last Governor: Chris Patten & The Handover of Hong Kong by Jonathan Dimbleby
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added Gweilo: A Memoir Of A Hong Kong Childhood by Martin Booth
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added Not Quite the Diplomat: Home Truths about World Affairs by Christopher Patten (作者:彭定康)