念念六四 (作者: 劉曉波) June Fourth Elegies by Liu Xiaobo

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出版社 Publisher:
Jonathan Cape
作者 Author:
劉曉波 Liu Xiaobo
翻譯 Translator:
Jeffrey Yang
出版年份 Publication year:
國際書號 ISBN:
頁數 Pages:
語言 Language:
中文(簡體)及英文 Chinese (Simplified) and English
書籍分享者 Book Sharer:
匿名 Anonymous
借書期 Book Borrowing Period:
一個月 One month
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Liu Xiaobo, Nobel peace prize Laureate in 2010, was imprisoned for years for participating in the "June 4th" Tiananmen student movement and for drawing up the "Charter 08", a manifesto advocating a whole series of reforms that would result in a separation of powers, a new constitution and legislative democracy in China. June Fourth Elegies presents Liu's poems written across twenty years in memory of fellow protestors at Tiananmen Square, as well as poems addressed to his wife, Liu Xia. In this bilingual volume, Liu's poetry is for the first time published freely in both English translation and in the Chinese original.
