Politically Correct 4 政正係理 4(作者: 陶傑)

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Cup Magazine Publishing Limited
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英文 English
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中港矛盾從何而來?加拿大如何向Chinada 說不?本書集結陶傑由一二年至一四年的英文專欄文章,濃縮成在全球化與多元文化主義氾濫之下,你絕不能錯過的精華。


How a School Could Save the World
The D&G Dog-Eat-Dog Dogma
Reptile Raptures
The Right Perks and the Wrong Pals
The Battle in the Sky
A ‘Lang’mark Buying Decision
A Single Wen Chinese Is Enough
A Lam-entable Loss 019 Who’s Hui?
Priscilla’s Thank-You Speech
The Big Confucius Confusion
Will America Buy Chinese Cinema?
A Middle Kingdom / Middle East Clash
A Robin Hood in Shanghai
The Big Brothers’ Last Showdown
Scrap the US-Hong Kong Policy Act
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Snowden’s Unsettled Business
The German Understatement
The Grass Is Greener Here
A New Hong Kong With A Less Preferable Li
Being Rendered Native
To Cut a Long Story Short
Big Brother Bo’s Britain
An Encounter at Heathrow
Hart vs. Heartless
The Cash and Carrie Dialogue
Flying the Flag
A Racist War on Bonham Road
Master Noynoy’s Annoyance
Beijing’s Ricky Risk
The TV War in the Asylum
A New Job in China
The Fall of Paris
A Dear Debt to Repay
Revolution at a Finger Tip
Tiny Tim, Big Crimes
The Lion and the Mastiff
The Strange Maodela Twins
Footing the Wrong Bill
The Other God
Shifting the Emotional Goalposts
Cinema Paradiso
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
The Year of the Horse
Comparing a Pterodactyl to a Bird
Canada Says No To Chinada
An Asian Airplane and a Few American Gunboats
The China Party, Day And Night
Upward Social Mobility in a Sinking Ship
The Big Spender and the Queen

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