天安門舊魄新魂 (作者: 李碧華)

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六四帶來的衝擊,沒有人會輕易忘記。本書分為小說和散文和部份。小說部份共六個短故事,作者借用虛構角色去'經歷'這歷史時刻,講述六個在六四事件付出寶貴生命的年青人,回顧他們的抱負、對國家的期待、運動中的點滴、鎮壓到來的一刻,亦冷眼旁觀近年中國的民生。散文部份包括作者對事件的評感想和諷刺,當中有作者見證這非常時期的經過和感想,且於每篇散文註明日期,像在看連續劇 。

No one can forget the impact of June 4th. This book comprises a novel and essays. There are six short stories in the novel part. The author uses fictional characters to "experience" this historical moment, telling the story of six young people who sacrificed their precious lives in the June Fourth Massacre, looking back on their ambitions, expectations for the country, every detail of the movement, the moment when the crackdown finally came, and watched with cold eyes the people's livelihood in China in recent years. The essay part includes the author's comments, reflections and satire on the event. Among them, the author witnessed the process and reflections of this extraordinary period, and marked the date on each essay, just like watching a TV series.