香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China),簡稱「支聯會」, 於1989年5月21日在香港支持八九民運的全球華人大遊行中成立,設有包括「釋放民運人士、平反八九民運」等在內的五大綱領。1990年至2019年,支聯會曾連續30年無間斷舉辦六四遊行、維園燭光集會。《港區國安法》於2020年實施後,香港政府指「支聯會」一直堅持和宣揚五大綱領,包括「結束一黨專政」,旨在顛覆中國國家政權。「支聯會」於2021年解散。
The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, referred to as "HKASPDMC", was established on 21 May 1989 during the Global Chinese Parade in Hong Kong in support of the 1989 Democracy Movement. It has five major objectives including "releasing pro-democracy activists and redressing the 1989 pro-democracy movement." From 1990 to 2019, HKASPDMC held the June Fourth Parade and Victoria Park Candlelight Rally for 30 consecutive years. After the implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" in 2020, the Hong Kong government stated that the HKASPDMC has been adhering to and promoting the five-point objectives, including "ending one-party dictatorship", aiming to subvert China's national power. HKASPDMC was dissolved in 2021.
In 1989, a group of social activists in Hong Kong formed HKASPDMC at a critical moment. They held annual June Fourth gatherings in Victoria Park to commemorate the June Fourth Massacre. Ming Pao Weekly reporters interviewed more than a dozen people who promoted the formation of HKASPDMC, revealing the establishment of HKASPDMC.