借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 梭羅:公民不服從 (作者: 享利·大衛·梭羅) Thoreau: Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 我們在存在主義咖啡館: 那些關於自由、哲學家與存在主義的故事 (作者: 莎拉.貝克威爾) At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails by Sarah Bakewell
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借閱/預留 Borrow/Reserve The item has been added 防火牆—抵擋新自由主義的入侵 (作者: 皮耶.布赫迪厄) Contre-feux: Propos Pour Servir A la Resistance Contre L'invasion Neo-liberale by Pierre Bourdieu