City on the Edge: Hong Kong under Chinese Rule by Ho Fung Hung (作者: 孔誥烽)

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出版社 Publisher:
Cambridge University Press
作者 Author:
孔誥烽 Ho-fung Hung
版次 Edition:
初版 1st Edition
出版年份 Publication year:
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頁數 Pages:
語言 Language:
英文 English
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匿名 Anonymous
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一個月 One month
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For decades, Hong Kong has maintained precarious freedom at the edge of competing world powers. In City on the Edge, Ho-fung Hung offers a timely and engaging account of Hong Kong's development from precolonial times to the present, with particular focus on the post 1997 handover period. Through careful analysis of vast economic data, a myriad of political events, and intricate networks of actors and ideas, Hung offers readers insight into the fraught economic, political, and social forces that led to the 2019 uprising, while situating the protests in the context of global finance and the geopolitics of the US-China rivalry. A provocative contribution to the discussion on Hong Kong's position in today's world, City on the Edge demonstrates that the resistance and repression of 2019-2020 does not spell the end of Hong Kong but the beginning of a long conflict with global repercussions.

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